
It's our belief that these are the experts, the people that we're funding, they know exactly what they're doing . . . And it is our goal to figure out what we can do to fund them most quickly, most efficiently with as little red tape as possible. And essentially get out of the way and just let them do their thing and minimize the amount of time that they spend pushing papers around so that they can get back to the critical work that they're doing.”

— Ashley Clark

This episode of Grantbook's The More Good Podcast features an interview with Ashley Clark, Director of Operations at The Libra Foundation. Ashley speaks with Grantbook’s Director of Innovation James Law about the Libra Foundation’s process of making values-aligned technology decisions, including switching grants management systems in order to relieve the administrative burden on grantees and build deeper partnerships with them.

This podcast was originally published by Grantbook. You can find a transcript of the conversation on their website.


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